2014 NBA Playoffs: A Current Look at the First Round

The last 24 hours have been taken over by Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his (alleged) incredibly racist comments. However, the true impact that will have has not been felt yet.

In the meantime, let’s get back to one of the greatest first rounds in NBA playoff history.

No. 1 seeds are looking very suspect, OT games left and right, underdogs underdogging… THIS IS WHY THE NBA IS THE GREATEST LEAGUE! People may say it’s fixed (probably) or that the season is too long (kinda) or that it’s not competitive (definitely), but there’s no denying that when April comes around, the stakes are high and the excitement is real.

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2014 NBA Playoffs: First-Round Matchups and Predictions


So I figured I’d just do the whole thing from the get go just to get my picks out there. I wanted to be a little different just because I’m tired of the Heat winning, and I’m not particularly fond of OKC.

Plus, people look at OKC, San Antonio and Miami as the true contenders, but it’s pretty much been universally agreed upon that the Clips are in there too. And Indiana, but they kinda fucked up the last two months of the season.

I’ll break down the first round and explain my picks from above. As always, head down below.

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Top 25 Chicago Bulls of All Time

So, I had another historic article for Bleacher Report last week, and I had a ton of fun doing it. I got to learn a lot about some of the earlier players in my favorite team’s history all while trying to determine who should go where.

Click here to check out the slide show.